Friday, September 15, 2017

Auxiliary Out Radio Programme 2.0: Episode #1

Decided to reboot the Auxiliary Out Radio Programme which retired back in March of 2010. We'll see how it goes. Still trying to figure out the best way to do this, or if it is even really a good idea, so all feedback is welcomed and encouraged (both positive and especially negative!) Excuse the warble during one of the "air breaks," the tape kept jamming on me.

On tonight's episode: Canada, computer music, women on the mic, So Cal beatz, Richmond weirdos, troubadours, belated Load Records eulogy, psychedelic organ ridin', percussion, scuzzcore, jazz & shit. Enjoy!


"Morbid Rhapsody" Man Made Hill Intercourses [Orange Milk, 2012] (CS) REVIEW
"Death" Surveillance Man [Various, 2015] (7")
"H.pelepr" Bret Schneider Model of a Garden Scene with Watering Can [Avant Archive, 2011] (CS) REVIEW
"Nulled Lobe Pachet" Scy1e Body Lag/Craedle Calls [Phinery, 2017] (CS)
"I Wanna be your Stranger" The Marshmallow Staircase Gunfighters [Summersteps, 2012] (CS) REVIEW
"Fastblood" Metalux Waiting for Armadillo [Load, 2004] (CD)
"Touch" Svet Gloomy Swamp, Breathless Mud [Rat Tail Tapes, 2017] (CS)
"In the Sound" Freelove Fenner Do Not Affect a Breezy Manner [Fixture, 2013] (CDr)
"Skate Heaven" White Glove White Glove [Field Hymns, 2011] (CS) REVIEW
"Untitled" Junior Pande Tape Two [Spring Break Tapes!, 2012] (CS)
"Spaceship_Players Opus/Outro_You're Welcome" Mr. Abstract Butta Fingas Invictus [Bonding Tapes, 2016] (CS) REVIEW
"Transport to Beta Sector/Wild Mchan Spacerider" Igor Amokian Green Tape [zYPHER, 2016] (CS) REVIEW
"Fold Pollination" Bryan Day & Bob Marsh Crumpled Partials [Green Tape, 2013] (CDr)
"Journey to the Center of Something or Other" Angst Hase Pfeffer Nase Split with Bhob Rainey [Sedimental, 2008] (7") REVIEW
"Anatomize" Dane Rousay Anatomize [Kendra Steiner Editions, 2017] (CDr) REVIEW
"There You Are" David B. Greenberg You are the Greatest [No Label, 2014] (CS)
"Recluse" Need Need [Crippled Sound, 2013] (CS)
"Hoppaloppa" Apuh! Två [Pälsrobot, 2015] (CS)
"White Out the Blue Monk" Klondike & York Klondike & York [Weird Forest, 2002] (7")


HF said...

linking the reviews on the playlist is sweet!

Auxiliary Out said...

Thanks for the feedback and for listening! Will keep the embedded links coming when applicable.