Saturday, April 5, 2008

Auxiliary Out Radio Programme #14 (2/17/08)

“Side A” Slicing Grandpa Big Monster Canadian Goat (CS) [Goaty Tapes, 2008]

“Side A” Ben Nash Magnetophon 8 (CS one-sided) [Sloow Tapes, 2007]

“Side B” Ajilvsga Behind the Masked Spirit (CS) [JK Tapes, 2008]

“Iced Beat/Slow Pan” Non-Horse Evil Eye Broadcast (CS) [Tape Tektoniks, 2007]

“Side A” Mossy Throats Wing Socket (CS) [Goaty Tapes, 2008]

“Fear of the Bark” Single Helix The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the Lazy Dog (CD-r) [Screeching Snowflake, 2008]

“Vole 1” Slasher Risk Vole (CS) [Abandon Ship, 2008]

“Double Reflection” Treetops Cool Runnings (CD-r) [Digitalis LTD., 2008]

mp3: Part 1 Part 2


Anonymous said...

Another top show, especially the Non-Horse and Ajilvsga tracks. Looking forward to hearing the remaining backlogged shows.

Auxiliary Out said...

Cool! Thanks for listening. This show had a lot of LONG tracks so I'm glad it didn't drag or anything. The backlogged show mp3s are posted. That means six more hours of listening!!
Aren't you excited? ;)